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Welcome to our digital display
In response to the Truth & Reconciliation Commission's calls to action, we are highlighting some of the RRU Library's collections of physical and digital resources. We hope these resources will support members of the RRU community in their reflections, learning, and actions in observation of this occasion and beyond.
Faculty Publications

Faculty publications

RRU Faculty have published works at the intersection of reconciliation and leadership, teaching, healthcare, and research methods.

View work by our faculty
Graduate research

Graduate student publications

Royal Roads students from Indigenous and settler backgrounds have written thoughtful dissertations and theses on topics related to truth and reconciliation.

Explore graduate student publications
AV resources

Video and audio resources

Select short and feature-length titles on themes of Indigeneity and reconciliation from the Library's collection of streaming video services.

View films
AV resources

Books to read

Books related to Indigeneity and truth and reconciliation available to read online through our digital collection.

View ebooks
screenshot of a map of western North America showing overlapping Indigenous territories

Opportunities to reflect online

A collection of interactive resources from various organizations to help support self-reflection on topics related to diversity and decolonization.

Explore interactive content

Events at Royal Roads

Royal Roads University is hosting a range of events in honour of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Find out how you can participate.