You've completed your Royal Roads thesis or dissertation — congratulations!
Now it's time to publish it.
Understand the publishing process
The Copyright Office has created a guide to help you understand your copyright rights and responsibilities when you publish your thesis and dissertation.
In the guide, you'll learn to prepare your thesis or dissertation according to Canadian copyright law and submit it for publication.
Ultimately, your thesis will be published in the following repositories:
- ProQuest
- Library and Archives Canada
- VIURRSpace, RRU’s online institutional repository
Sharing your work
We take pride in showcasing research like yours — quality research produced by RRU students.
Through VIURRSpace, your work will be seen alongside our faculty research. The links to your work are permanent, so you can share them with confidence.

Copyright information for thesis and dissertation publication
Consult this guide for information on appropriately preparing your thesis or dissertation according to Canadian copyright law and submitting it for publication.
Go to guide