If you’re going out into the world to do your own primary research, make sure you’re conducting your research in a way that is respectful of your participants and the process.
Cultures and communities will have their own protocols for conducting research, so please make sure you’re aware of the protocols and follow them during your research. If you’re planning to do research in Indigenous communities, please make sure you’re conducting research with them, not on them, and agree in advance how you can reciprocate the sharing of knowledge.

Research Methods guide
This guide from RRU Library compiles a wide range of resources on research methods and methodology.

Project Planner
A tool from SAGE Research Methods that provides detailed guidance for each stage of planning and carrying out your research. (Note: requires RRU login.)

Conducting research within Indigenous modalities
This guide offers a starting point to learn about the respectful gathering of information from oral traditions or other forms of traditional knowledge.

Research ethics
The Royal Roads Research Office has put together information to help you understand your responsibilities for ethically reporting the results of research.