Explore resources related to governance, law, and legal systems locally, nationally, and globally.
RRU Library Books
Scholarly Articles
Human Rights matter: a reassertion of the UN charter and UDHR core values in turbulent times
Fortman, B. de G. & Salih, M. A. M. (2024). In Journal of Global Ethics, 20(3), 343–353
Open Access Scholarly Works
Canadian Issues: John Humphrey, Canada and the 75th Anniversary of UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Metropolis Institute, (2023).
A Global Law of Diversity: Evolving Models and Concepts
Alessi, N. P. (2025). Routledge.
RRU Research
Restoration of Inclusive Leadership in Somalia
Kalif, M. (2024). [master’s thesis, Royal Roads University]. VIURRSpace.
Determining Conditions That Enable or Impede the Inclusion of Climate Justice in Municipal Adaptation Planning in Canada
Lash, J. R. (2023). [master’s thesis, Royal Roads University]. VIURRSpace.
Advocating for inclusive leadership in Windsor
Ma, B. (2023). [master’s thesis, Royal Roads University]. VIURRSpace.
Open Access Resources
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UHDR)
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CPRD)
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)
Mapping the international human rights instruments to the Sustainable Development Goals
Government of Canada
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Government of British Columbia
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act
Accessible British Columbia Act
BC Office of Human Rights Commissioner: Introducing human rights
Other Organizations
The Canadian Civil Liberties Education Trust (CCLET): The Charter is for Everybody: A Guide to Understanding Your Rights (5 brief videos)
DEI Legislation Tracker from The Chronicle of Higher Education