At this point, you likely have an idea of what you want your writing to express, which makes it an ideal time to decide how you’re going to move your story forward.
Experienced critical thinkers and storytellers prepare to tell stories by thinking ahead. For example, showing respect and awareness of others means understanding your place in the world, as well as the impact of your decisions and actions on everyone and everything around you. Having that awareness is an important step toward making good decisions, whether you’re working individually or in a team to move your work forward.

Productivity tools
We've curated a collection of tools designed to streamline research, planning, and collaboration.

Meeting online
There are many different platforms available to coordinate online meetings. This guide provides an overview.

Team writing
Learn how to write collaboratively, and explore some tools that can help.

Tips on completing major writing projects
Looking for strategies to keep yourself on track? These tips can help.