If you'd like to access a book or an article that is not available in the Royal Roads Library collection, we can source it for you from another library.
How to place an interlibrary loan (ILL) request
To place an ILL request:
- Search the RRU collection to ensure the material is not already available to you.
- Fill out an ILL request form.
Article requests typically only take 1 to 2 business days, and we can usually send the material to you by email. Requests for print books depend on mail delivery, so plan for at least 7 days.
ILLs (including shipping) are usually provided at no cost. Charges may apply for items that are especially rare or are only available internationally. We'll let you know if there's a fee for your item before we move ahead with the request.
ILL loan period
The loan period for print books usually begins the day the book ships from the lending library. Please be aware that your time with ILL books may be quite short.
Learn more about loan periods and other borrowing information.
Contact us
Mailing Address:
Interlibrary Loans
Royal Roads University Library
2005 Sooke Road
Victoria, BC V9B 5Y2

Request an interlibrary loan
Request a book or article from outside the RRU collection.
Make a request