Borrowing information

Loan periods


Loan period

Who can borrow

Books (main collection)

4 weeks

Students, staff, faculty, alumni, community

Reserve items

2 hours, 1 day, 3 days, 7 days

Students, faculty, staff


3 days

Students, faculty, staff

AV materials

7 days

Students, staff, faculty, alumni, community

Reference books, newspapers, special collections, archival materials

Library use only

Students, staff, faculty, alumni, community

Interlibrary loans

Date of return noted per item

Students, faculty, staff

Books by mail (main collection books)

Date of return noted per item


Alumni (for a $10 fee)

Items for short term loan
A collection of items that can be borrowed from the library

In addition to books, periodicals, and DVDs you can borrow many other short term loan items from the library front desk.

  • White board markers
  • White board erasers
  • USB C Mac charger
  • Type C Laptop Chargers
  • Universal Plug Adapters
  • Headphones: Wireless Noise Cancelling
  • Headphones: ‎3.5 mm Jack
  • Micro B phone charger cable
  • iPhone charger cable
  • Ethernet Adapters
  • HDMI Cables
  • HDMI Adapters
  • Locks
  • Calculators

Borrowing regulations

Books placed on hold

When an item you've placed on hold is ready for you, you'll receive a notification by email.

Once the email is delivered, you'll have seven days to pick up the item from the RRU Library front desk.

If you're unable to pick up your items, you may be able to request that we mail them to you.

Renewing books

You can renew your print books in three ways:

  • online (students, staff, and faculty only)
  • by phone at 250.391.2575
  • by visiting the Library in person

For help renewing your books online, read our FAQ or try our online tutorial.

Fines for overdue items



Regular collection, AV materials, journals

$1.00 day/item

2-hour reserve items

$1.20 hour/item

1-, 3-, and 7-day reserve items

$10.00 day/item

If you owe more than $20.00 in fines, your account will be blocked from borrowing or renewing library materials. Please call the Library front desk at 250.391.2575 for assistance with paying or for more information about your fine.

Item replacement fees

We charge a flat rate to replace library items that have been lost. The cost varies depending on the type of library material.

The fee consists of two parts:

  • Lost item replacement – This fee represents the replacement cost for the item. The replacement charge is $50 for books and $75 for videos.
  • Lost item processing – This fee represents the processing charge for a lost item. The processing fee is $25.


You'll receive notices about your RRU Library account by email.

We do our best to ensure our reminders and notices arrive in your email inbox; however, they are sometimes blocked by spam filters. Whether you receive the notice or not, it is the library user’s responsibility to ensure borrowed items are returned to the library on time.

If you have questions about an email notice, you can reply to the email and a staff member will respond.

Types of notices

Royal Roads Library sends the following types of notices by email:

  1. Courtesy notices
    Courtesy notices are sent to remind you items you've borrowed are coming due. You will get one week's notice for books and three days' notice for videos.

    We do not send courtesy notices for short-term loans such as periodicals or reserve items.
  2. Overdue notices
    Overdue notices are sent once an item has been overdue for three days.

    You will get additional reminders about overdue material once a week for six weeks.
  3. Item available notices
    You will receive a notice when a book you placed on hold is ready for pick up.

    The book will be available for you to pick up at the Library front desk for five days. If you'd like us to mail you the book, you can reply to the item available notice with that request.
  4. Cancellation notices
    You will receive a notice when an item you placed on hold has been cancelled.

    Usually, holds are cancelled because the items haven't been picked up before they expired.

    If you have questions about your holds, you can reply to the email, and a staff member will respond.