Contemporary Black experience in Canada
What systemic racism in Canada looks like (2020)
Dhillon, A. (Producer). CBC. [Streaming Video]
The police killing of George Floyd and the protests that followed have brought renewed attention to systemic racism. In Canada, some have been quick to deny its existence. But these experts say racism has been normalized within Canadian institutions.
Being Black in B.C. (2020)
CBC. [Streaming Video]
Four people talk about what it’s like to be Black in Metro Vancouver. Provincial court Judge David St. Pierre, artist Khari Wendell McClelland and high school students Roy Quaynor and Alexandra Mandewo share advice on how to overcome racism and discrimination, but also highlight what they love about being Black
Clarke, T.-M. (2022) [Master’s thesis, Royal Roads University]
Debique, M. (2016) [Master’s thesis, Royal Roads University]
Richer, N. (2023) [Doctoral dissertation, Royal Roads University]