Cite and manage your sources
As a Royal Roads student, you'll be required to use APA Style to cite sources in your assignments. The resources in this section will help you do so.For APA citation support, review the resources linked below or contact the Writing Centre.
Citation managers are software that help you collect and keep track of the articles, books, and other materials you reference in your academic writing. Your citation manager can also generate in-text citations and reference lists directly in your MS Word documents. RRU Library supports Zotero, a free open-source citation manager. Consult the guide below to learn more.

Questions about citation?
Search through hundreds of FAQs on APA Style, or send a message to the Writing Centre for additional support.
Get help now
Looking for help with Zotero?
RRU's librarians can help you set up your system, troubleshoot difficulties, and go beyond the basics.
Send us a message